LGBTQ+ Therapy Experiences

Therapy & Support

Not All Therapy Happens In An Office

Unitē Therapy Matching

Online / In-Person Therapy

Get matched for free and find an LGBTQ+ therapist that support your needs

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Unitē Therapy Subscription

Take the guesswork out and let our Unitē Therapy Concierge match you with an LGBTQ+ therapists

Online Ketamine Clinic

Online / At-Home Therapy

Online Ketamine Therapy's home programs are a powerful tool for improving your mental health

What's Your Therapy?

At Unitē, we're continually developing new partnerships and technology to support the LGBTQ+ community, our allies, and friends. Whether in-app or in-person, we look forward to cultivating new experiences that can support your mental health and happiness in new ways.


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