
LGBTQ+ Love and Dating Experiences

Love & Dating

Not All Therapy Happens In An Office

Single? Open Matchmaking Membership

United States

Join as an Open Member for free in one of the top bespoke matchmaking services and get matched with Maclynn Matchmaking Private Members. Use code: Unite

Private Matchmaking Membership

United States

Save 10% off your matchmaking package with your own dedicated matchmaker that will guide you through their 5-stage matchmaking methodology.

What's Your Therapy?

At Unitē, we're continually developing new partnerships and technology to support the LGBTQ+ community, our allies, and friends. Whether in-app or in-person, we look forward to cultivating new experiences that can support your mental health and happiness in new ways.


Unitē Featured In

From the Community...


Unitē is bridging the gap between self-help and therapy. Transforming the way people find wellness support, we invite you to join our community. 


Unitē leverages the power of community to deliver the best and most affordable wellness experiences for supporting LGBTQ+ individuals, our allies, and friends. Discover the power of community. #ComeTogether 

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Talk To Someone Now.  If you’re struggling, it’s okay to share your feelings. Text or dial 988 to chat with a crisis counselor 24/7. If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.