Free IV Infusion at The Doctor for New Patients
The Doctor
West Hollywood, CA
The Doctor is a primary care, wellness and mental health center, offering modern, high-caliber, and tech-forward healthcare, such as Primary Care, Wellness, Mental Health, IV Therapy, and more. Discover your new Primary Care Physician in West Hollywood and Downtown Los Angeles or explore the services The Doctor can offer you on your wellness journey.
Free IV Infussion
Free $250
100% Savings
Free IV Infusion ($250 value) at The Doctor for the first 20 new primary care patients or any other first-time services
★ Important: To schedule ➜ Once you download the offer, you will need to schedule your IV Therapy session online. ➜ This offer only applies to new patients who have not visited The Doctor before.
You can schedule your free New Patient IV Therapy session with The Doctor once you download the offer or learn more at Check your email for follow up details.
The Doctor
David Alajajian, MD - Internal Medicine Board Certified, AAHIVS As our Chief Medical Officer, Dr David is passionate about delivering high-value care, while he envisions a doctor as an ecosystem of humans, technology, and AI, meeting the evolving needs of our community. Come meet him and experience his remarkable talent and dedication. With a charming personality and extensive expertise in patient care, he brings a wealth of knowledge from several renowned institutions and an undeniable charisma!
Office Location
▪️ The Doctor is offering new patients only one free IV Therapy session ($250 value)
▪️ Once you download the offer, you will be provided a link to schedule your one free session
▪️ Learn more about The Doctor and their LGBTQ+ friendly physicians at